Standing for election

Standing for election constitutes the second prong of the right to fair elections. Like voting, the fair standing for election is a prerequisite of democracy, and one of the most direct and effective ways to exercise civic participation.

The effective implementation of the right to stand for election ensures that voters have an unrestricted choice for whom to vote. Moreover, democracy is strengthened by a greater number of persons being able to run for office, offering more choices for voters and representing more diverse public views.

Standing for election & Human rights

Standing for election is a human right closely linked to the right to vote, with both being forms of representative democracy. The candidates who are elected carry out an important public function, and should be proposing and supporting policies that are in line with the wishes of voters who elected them. Because of the importance of this function, the right to stand for election can be restricted to ensure that these powers are not misused or abused and do not negatively impact the human rights of others.

About this section

This section of the Guide will explain who, and under what conditions, can stand for election, what the restrictions are on standing for election, as well as how to complain if your right to stand for election is violated.

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Last updated 21/12/2024